Class Constants


public final class Constants extends Object
Web applications are components of type

Technically the Web app handling in z2 is just a thin wrapper around Jetty WebAppContexts.

A Web app can have the following web app specific properties:

The server component this web app is supposed to run on. This property is required. The usual value is environment/webServer.
The context path of the Web app. This property is required. It MUST start with a "/".
A Web app may specify a comma separated list of other Web apps that it requires to run. This is very useful if Web app re-use each others resources. The required Web apps are specified by there context path, e.g. webapp.requiredPaths=/a, /second, /somemore.
Typically a Web app will define some system state participation, e.g.
that defines under what circumstances the Web app will actually be initialized.

Web apps components have a resource folder. That folder must contain a sub folder WebContent that holds the standard Java Web application structure of an expanded WAR file. In particular the WebContent folder typically has a WEB-INF sub folder that contains the deployment descriptor web.xml.

A typical Web app component looks like this:

All definitions in the WebContent folder will be interpreted by Jetty. Jetty specific deployment descriptors (and anything else Jetty specific) can be supplied as described in the Jetty documentation.

Following the standard, Web app components may provide libraries and Java classes in WebContent/WEB-INF/lib and WebContent/WEB-INF/classes resp.

In z2 however the Web app component does not hold the Web app's Java source code. Instead the component's default Java component serves as the main venue to provide the Web app's implementation. See also IJavaComponent.

  • Field Details


      public static final String WEBAPP_TYPE
      Component type of web apps.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final String ATTRIBUTE_IS_PAGE_IMPRESSION
      set this in the request as attribute to mark a request as a page impression
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final String REQUIRED_PATHS
      A Web app may specify a comma separated list of other Web apps that it requires to run. This is very useful if Web app re-use each others resources. The required Web apps are specified by there context path, e.g. webapp.requiredPaths=/a, /second, /somemore.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final String CONTAINER_INCLUDE_JAR_PATTERN
      The jars that qualify for meta-data parsing can be limited in Jetty. In z2 the default is defined by the regular expression "(?!.+-sources\\.).*\\.jar$" (as Java string) which is all Jars except the source code jars (by convention). (See also the Jetty Documentation)
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
    • PATH

      public static final String PATH
      The context path of the Web app. This property is required. It MUST start with a "/".
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
    • SERVER

      public static final String SERVER
      The server component this web app is supposed to run on. This property is required. The usual value is environment/webServer.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • Constants

      public Constants()