Class AspectJCompiler

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AspectJCompiler extends Object implements ICompiler
Compile-time-weaving including the Spring AspectJ aspect.

In order to include other aspects, specify aspectj.publicAspectPathByClass and similarly as documented below (ASPECTJ_PUBLIC_ASPECT_PATH_BY_CLASS, ASPECTJ_PRIVATE_ASPECT_PATH_BY_CLASS, ASPECTJ_TEST_ASPECT_PATH_BY_CLASS).

The Spring aspect is already implied and does not need to be specified

  • Field Details


      public static final String ASPECTJ_PUBLIC_ASPECT_PATH_BY_CLASS
      In order to include other aspects, specify aspectj.publicAspectPathByClass with a comma-separated list of classes (on the corresponding Java components part classpath [i.e. for api, test, or impl]). Those classes will be resolved to a corresponding aspect path for AspectJ compilation.

      This is so that the aspect path is limited to really just the aspect implementations (using annotations). Effectively, the compiler will use the jars containing the aspect classes. We use the class name to identify the jar and in the end all contained aspects will apply.

      The Spring aspect is already implied and does not need to be specified.

      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final String ASPECTJ_PRIVATE_ASPECT_PATH_BY_CLASS
      In order to include other aspects, specify aspectj.privateAspectPathByClass with a comma-separated list of classes (on the corresponding Java components part classpath [i.e. for api, test, or impl]). Those classes will be resolved to a corresponding aspect path for AspectJ compilation.

      This is so that the aspect path is limited to really just the aspect implementations (using annotations). Effectively, the compiler will use the jars containing the aspect classes. We use the class name to identify the jar and in the end all contained aspects will apply.

      The Spring aspect is already implied and does not need to be specified.

      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final String ASPECTJ_TEST_ASPECT_PATH_BY_CLASS
      In order to include other aspects, specify aspectj.testAspectPathByClass with a comma-separated list of classes (on the corresponding Java components part classpath [i.e. for api, test, or impl]). Those classes will be resolved to a corresponding aspect path for AspectJ compilation.

      This is so that the aspect path is limited to really just the aspect implementations (using annotations). Effectively, the compiler will use the jars containing the aspect classes. We use the class name to identify the jar and in the end all contained aspects will apply.

      The Spring aspect is already implied and does not need to be specified.

      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • AspectJCompiler

      public AspectJCompiler()
  • Method Details